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Welcome to the Quilting Nook


Welcome to the Quilting Nook.  My quilting journey began in 2012 when I signed up for a beginners quilt class at the local quilt store in my town.  It quickly became a passion.  But quilting on my domestic sewing machine was a struggle.  I wanted to quilt them so I searched for places that rented time on longarm machines and found a wonderful quilt shop that did.  I registered for their Learn to Longarm class and waited anxiously for the day to come.  The minute I laid my hands on the her longarm I was hooked!!!  By the end of that 3 hour class I had already booked my next all-day rental knowing I didn't have a single quilt top ready for quilting.  I went home that day (it was a 2 hour drive home...) and started a marathon piecing month.  I completed three quilt tops.  A month later, I got in my car very early in the morning so I could be there for 9 a.m... it was cold, snowy and dark but I made that 2 hour trek.  I quilted three quilts... it was an amazing day!!!  I quilted for 8 hours straight.  And then got back into my car and drove the 2 hours home.  I was exhausted... and happy.... but sad.  Sad that I needed to make more quilt tops and make that long drive so I could quilt.  I really enjoy the process of piecing... choosing a pattern, selecting the fabrics... cutting the fabric, sewing... etc.   but my passion is longarm quilting!!!   Fast forward to 2016 and the Quilt Canada conference... I registered for every longarm quilting class they had as well as two sit-down free motion quilt classes - all on Handi Quilter machines.  I  met some incredible Longarm quilters and learned a lot from them.  I heard their stories of how they started quilting for others without ever having touched a longarm machine and that's when I knew what I wanted to do.   I look the leap... in August of 2016 I purchased a Handi Quilter Avante machine on a 12 foot frame.  Omgosh!!!  I had my longarm... her name is Lola.  And she is amazing!!  We have learned so much together.  I hope you will contact me so I can help you get them finished and gifted... or better yet... used by you and your family!!!  Happy quilting!    


February 2018

Just a little update... have quilted many quilt tops for customers and thought I'd share some beautiful quilts...



a beautiful Double Irish Chair quilt...

a beautiful Double Irish Chair quilt...

Some custom quilting on a Dresden plate quilt...

Some custom quilting on a Dresden plate quilt...

Canada 150 quilt.... quilted with maple leaves all over!!! Beautiful!!!

Canada 150 quilt.... quilted with maple leaves all over!!! Beautiful!!!