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Long Arm Quilting Services


The Quilting Nook



HQ Avanti longarm machine

HQ Avanti longarm machine

Not available at this time - Longarm Rental Fees - $30/hr (min. 3hrs)

Quilt your own quilt… I’m with you at every step. I have many quilting designs and threads to bring your quilt top to life. You must take the Longarm Boot camp before renting time. Contact me for available dates.

double irish chain.JPG
custom quilting.JPG

Not available at this time - Longarm Bootcamp - $75 / 3hr session

This 3 hour session is designed to get you comfortable using a long arm machine.  You will learn free motion designs and then move onto working at the back of the machine to learn to follow a pantograph design.  This session is required before renting time on the longarm machine.  Please check the calendar under Events for classes scheduled.


Longarm Services

Let me bring your quilt top to life by adding an edge to edge quilted design. Many designs to choose from as well as many thread colors!! Check out some of the photos of quilts quilted at The Quilting Nook!!!