Terms & Conditions
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Terms of Service
Long Arm Services
The fee for long arm quilting an edge to edge all over design 0.03 cents per square inch. Multiply the width by length x .03 to get an estimate.
Custom quilting and ruler work will begin at 0.06 up to 0.10 per square inch depending on the density and complexity of quilting. Custom quilting can include separate designs on sashing, borders and some ruler work.
There is a $50 minimum charge for any longarm quilting services (i.e. baby quilts, table runners, placemats, tree skirts).
Quilt Top
Your quilt top will need to be pressed well for the best results. Seams should be pressed to one side, generally pressed to the darker fabric. Where many seams come together, pressing seams open is acceptable. All threads must be clipped.
Backing must be 6” larger than your quilt top on ALL sides. It’s important to note that reds, blues and some black fabrics should be pre-washed as they tend to bleed a lot.
If you are piecing your backing, please have the seam running horizontally and use a 5/8" to 1" seam. Press to one side. If you are sewing selvage edges together, sew a 1 - 1/2" seam and trim the selvage off (trim to 5/8 - 1" seam). Press the seams to one side. If you wash your backing, please make sure it is well pressed.
There are many types of batting available. My preferred batting is Hobbs 80/20. It can be machine washed and dried with little shrinkage. I have Hobbs 80/20 available for purchase in my studio (in both 96” and 120” widths). I also carry wool premium batting.
Batting must be 4 inches wider than the quilt top on all edges. Do NOT prewash your batting.
My favorite thread is Glide thread. It quilts beautifully. And I have a many colors to choose from. I also have Superior Magnifico and Fantistico threads as well. I do carry some King Tut cotton threads.
Attaching prepared binding to the quilt is a service available for an additional fee, Binding will need to be 12-15 inches longer than the total perimeter of the quilt. Binding MUST be given at drop off.
Added Fees
There will be added fees for any seam repairs, additional pressing of seams and/or backing, washing and drying of backing fabric. The charge is $25/hour.
Drop Off
Quilt tops and backing should be folded and on a hanger. Batting can be folded and hung on the hanger as well, or in a separate bag.
Please phone 416-567-5074 and arrange a time for drop off. I accept cash, debit and credit are all accepted methods of payment.