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Slice of Life


All quilts are made with 100% cotton quilt fabric.  All quilts have 100% cotton batting. Whenever possible 100% cotton thread is used.  Each quilt will have a label attached with the quilt Name, date it was made and quilt number.  Labels can be custom designed for an additional fee. 


All quilts will come with washing instructions.   Puckering and shrinkage is normal when quilts are washed.  They will also get softer.

If washing instructions are followed, your quilt will last for years and years.

Slice of Life


Slice of Life


Brown, green and beige are the colors of this unique lap quilt. Although the binding still needs to be hand sewn, it will be ready shortly.

Size:  64" x 80"

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Made with 100% cotton quilt fabric and 100% cotton batting. Whenever possible 100% cotton thread is used.  Quilt will have a label attached with the quilt name, date it was made and quilt number.  Labels can be custom designed for an additional fee. 
All quilts will come with washing instructions.   Puckering and shrinkage is normal when quilts are washed.  They will also get softer.
If washing instructions are followed, your quilt will last for years and years.